Friday, February 28, 2014

Quick 1-hour Cinnamon Rolls

So.. This blog was not originally intended to talk about homemade food products, but I had a hankering for cinnamon rolls and as anyone who knows me knows, I live by my cravings. They really drive me. Its strange to feel pregnant all the time, having some imaginary fetus send you images of the items it wants to eat, beating those images into your mind until you consume them. This is probably the most literal meaning of the term 'food baby'.

At any rate, a few days ago, it was 10am and I had a craving for cinnamon rolls. I don't know why because I am not typically a fan. Why eat a loaf of bread with cinnamon on it when you can deep fry that bread with a wedge of cheese inside? Seriously, deep fried cheese is the best.. But that's another post.  Its 8:50am and I could so eat deep fried cheese right now....Curse you, food baby!

So, I start looking up recipes and to my dismay they're all laborious processes. By laborious, I think you should know that I'm not afraid of a little hard work, or even a lot. Pitching hay bails, painting houses, these things are not work to me. They are a means to an my case, the end is usually making money. So I am driven to do it and actually love feeling sore after a long days' hard work. You can't take the country out of the girl I guess.

Anyway, the laborious part about cinnamon rolls is the waiting. Ask ANYONE I know.. Waiting is not something I do often. I'm perhaps the most impatient person on the planet. As I write this, I am planning the day when I have enough followers and commenters on this blog to make ad money. I am also planning the day I can turn it into something with its own domain name. Really, I am.

Most cinnamon roll recipes involve a painful overnight sit in a bowl with a damp towel so the yeast can do its magic. When I have a craving, there's no time to sit around and wait for some subservient bacteria to casually take its time enjoying the lovely glucose I have provided it. No way, siree!

So...When I saw this recipe for 1-hour cinnamon rolls I said...Now there's something I can get behind! Thus...I began.

I put the ingredients together and I even waited the required 10 minutes for the yeast to do its thing before I rolled out the dough, put the cinnamon butter (let's face it, its really just spiced fat right? yeah.. the good stuff) all over the dough. I rolled up this log of heaven and began to cut the most perfectly even and glorious rounds you've ever seen. I was so proud of myself because the recipe boasts a 12 roll yield. I made 18! Take that, law-abiding bakers.

Then, my heart stopped. The world had ended. The apocalypse couldn't even begin because there was nothing to pillage - that's how destroyed my world was by the next part of the directions. "Place rolls in a pie plate so that the plate is filled and the rolls are touching. Place a damp towel over to cover and" ..... here comes the horrible. " WAIT...."        "25 minutes."

25 MINUTES?!!!! 


Trust me, baking is one of the therapeutic things I do to unwind or feel productive when I'm too tired to write. BUT, you typically make the dough and by the time you're putting it into its baking container, YOU'RE BAKING IT!

I know what you're saying...Oh you baby. Its just 25 minutes. You can handle that. WELL, it isn't just 25 minutes...After that you still have to bake them for 20! Oh the humanity!

Needless to say, my craving wasn't allowing for this. So I said, screw it. Let's put them in now! The dough tastes great (yes, I love unbaked dough.. any flavor.) so even if they don't rise, they'll come out delicious right? WRONG.

See. They look perfect right? They even rose in the oven! Who needs to wait? Trust me. You do. 
Perfectly golden brown, cinnamon goodness. 

When you flip them, the spiced fat that leeched out in the cooking process is liquified and coats the whole bun. Looks mighty tasty!

They seem perfect right? The other shoe drops when you try to eat them and they are heavy, and while cooked - seem gooey.. I guess they're very gluten-y? I don't exactly know the chemistry behind waiting for breads to rise but let's just say they were awful.

Moral of the story is twofold: First, let your breads rise people! Second, when a recipe says 1 hour, it means 2.

That's all folks!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Some Christmas Sewing Projects

Hey gang! 

I've got some cool pictures on my camera roll from the various sewing projects I did over Christmas break so I'll post them here as a big catch up. We should be right up to the present-day on knitting and sewing after this post so here goes. 

First, I spent a good amount of time sewing some pajama pants for my future in-laws. I was spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with them. Their holiday traditions involve the purchase of matching pajamas for the whole family. Sadly I didn't get a picture of the whole family together wearing these but here are some of the process! I made 5 pairs of pants, and because I had leftover fabric, I even made the dog, Sandy, a little something. 

Avery loves to help me cut fabric. This is Peanuts - themed Christmas flannel I got from Joann's at a 50% discount. The girls got Peanuts, the boys got the red and black plaid you see there. 

Isn't she the best little helper? My mom int he background helping with the sewing process. We had so much fun its going to be a tradition!

You can really see the sewing detail in this shot. Not that there is much detail..I'm just very proud of this doggie robe! It took DAYS. 

I.F. with Sandy Dog in their new pajamas! Two very happy campers. 

Sandy Dog is sporting her fantastic, cozy robe and the homemade peanut butter biscuits I made her for Christmas. Is there a happier dog in the world? 

Because you can never get enough Sandy. 
She didn't put that bone down for an hour. She also refused to eat it. It must have been a priceless possession because I found it buried under the blanket the next day. 

My future sister-in-law Rachel and her pooch, Sandy. The pj's fit very well. Everyone was happy. Even Big Chris (I.F.'s dad) who doesn't wear pants. I'm not kidding. He refused to cut them into shorts because I made them. How sweet!

Aside from the pajamas I've also made a very cute stuffed animal. Okay, I'm giving away the secret, Tiffany. I can't hold it in any longer! This is the owl I was making for your little baby-to-be (affectionately nicknamed, little parasite) but I.F. loves owls so much he wouldn't let me send it to you. I have to make another. Will it be an owl? Maybe.........Maybe not!

Here's the pattern. 
You start with the face. The eyes and beak are made from felt while the body is made from flannel. 

Add the feet. How cute!
Stuff it! I think I stuck true to the original creation. What do you think?
That's the last of my sewing excursions for now. Next is a sewing machine cover. My fantastic mother bought me my own Singer sewing machine for Christmas so I'll be testing it out by making a cover for it. Then, I'll be making a surprise for Grandma Lee (I.F.'s granny). I intended to make it for her for Christmas but the pajamas took longer than I anticipated. I always take on way too much during the holidays. 

That's it folks!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Knits in Progress

For the last few weeks I have been knitting up a storm. I have been knitting for about 6 months now. I am definitely a beginner but I am finally at the stage where I am looking for challenges and hoping to broaden my skill set.

The credit has to go to loom knitting for my recent obsession with the craft. Truly, look knitting is an absolute godsend for anyone needing a new hobby but lacking the patience necessary to struggle through the clumsy beginnings that are inevitable with needle knitting.

Truly, knitting has been a blessing. I recently suffered from severe anxiety and post-traumatic stress from my time in graduate school, some illnesses that befell multiple family members, and a 4 year physical separation (not emotional) from my loving, devoted, and long-term boyfriend, I.F. Literally our entire relationship has been long-distance. Until now that is. Now that I'm in Ames, we are finally living under the same room and I have to say its heaven. But that's another post.

Back to knitting. I began this loom knitting piece for my sister, Emmy, in November. This is a seriously arduous item. I do not recommend that any of you, ever try to make this as it is the simplest kind of loom knitting - double stockinette - and it is a 72" monstrosity. She will love it, being that it is in her favorite color - eggplant purple - and that it is seriously warm. Although, she does live in the dessert of Washington state, and winter is basically over. It is considered a work in progress because I have yet to mail it to her.

Here's the lovely fringe detail. As you can see, it is a lovely continuous knit stitch that is double think. But once again, it was 72 inches long and it took me forever. I found myself getting bored with it and I wouldn't touch it for days. This fringe was probably the quickest and most enjoyable part of the process. I think it looks fantastic. I put angle into this piece by tightly winding the string in the center on the last few rows of knitting. 

As you can see, I.F. is modeling so willingly this beautiful piece for my sister. 

For about 9inches on one edge, I sewed the piece together so that it makes a cute built-in had. The hat has a point to it at the top, to add a little elfish whimsy. Its getting sent out this week. I hope she likes it!

The next item I've been working on is truly a work in progress. I had to restart the project three times to get the sizing right. It is a pair of fingerless mitts that I chose to use a mole hair and ribbon yarn to make. The yarn is absolutely beautiful, but because it stretches in certain areas and not in the places where the ribbon is woven into it, the mitt size you need is a gamble. Its trial-and-error with this one. I just have to finish the thumb edging and the right side mitt will be complete. This is a great two-day project; one mitt per day. They are comfortable, soft, and very warm with a really nice eco-chic look to them. 

Here is the absolutely stunning yarn I used for this project. I picked it up from a bargain bin at Joann's!

Phase one: rib-stitch wrist-cuff

Here you can see just how the ribbon sort of skews the pattern, by using more yarn on the peg than on the other pegs, but it looks very artsy this way. 

Let's see.. There are plenty of other unfinished works. Including these two currently in my knitting bag. 

This is a prayer shawl I'm doing in a bright pink color from the Lion's Brand Homespun collection. I don't really need a shawl, so it has really taken me a long time to complete this. This was my first attempt at knitting something with needles instead of a loom. Photos coming soon when it is finished. 

This project is my current love affair. It is called Hermione's scarf as it is a pattern styled off of the hat worn by Hermione in the Harry Potter movies. It has a staggered popcorn sort of pattern that I have adapted somewhat to make it more linear and angular and in my opinion far more interesting.

These are my current projects. As I finish, I will update with photos. 

If you would like the patterns for these projects, please write in the comments section. 

Warm Regards, 

DIY Soap!

Today I'm posting quite a few new posts. I'll start with the DIY soap project that I.F. (Imaginary Friend) and I embarked on last night. First, here are all of the items I will apparently need in order to make any kind of cleaner I want to.

Excluding the essential oils, these items cost less than $50! That's amazing considering how much money 1 standard household cleaner costs. I can make everything from laundry detergent to face wash with these and each item will make multiple batches. 
Listed here: goat's milk suspension formula, raw unfiltered honey, soap molds, vitamin E oil, jojoba oil, Dr. Bronner's Liquid Castille Soap (Almond), aloe vera gel, Borax, super washing soda, castille soap, tea tree oil, xanthum gum powder, vegetable glycerin, sweet almond oil, and essential oils of grapefruit and lemon. 

From here, I.F. and I made two products that we had just run out of: his favorite oatmeal soap and some body wash for me. I have pictures of the soap, but I regretfully did not take a picture of the body wash. 

The body wash recipe was found at this website. We used jojoba oil, Dr. Bronner's Liquid Castille in Almond, with essential oil of lemon. The scents were surprisingly harmonious. After sampling the concoction, I.F. found it to feel like it was drying the skin (which he enjoys) but that his skin did not lose any moisture, and was not dry after toweling off. He did however feel that it was too thin, so future versions of this product will contain 1/4tsp of Xantham gum power per cup of body wash. I have been told by internet DIY soap-making experts that this is what you do when you want a thicker texture to you products. I will say that the product comes out in a decidedly unappetizing translucent brown color - like a cheap beer that has not been filtered. It leaves nothing to the eye, but does everything you want it to, for $1 a bottle, and you can pronounce all of the ingredients. No harsh or unnatural chemicals here folks! Yeah, that's how I beat the man. Suck it, corporate America!

The oatmeal soap was an absolute breeze to make. It has a lovely, silky texture and a heavenly oatmeal scent. Those of you who are die-hard carbohydrate fans like myself should understand this addiction to oatmeal; its smell, texture, everything. Whether its toasted, made into a cereal, or used as a foot soaking agent, it is clear that oatmeal is a superior food. A product truly sent down from the proverbial heavens. I digress.. 

The recipe I used is here: I think the only thing I would change is that I would add some vanilla and tea tree oil as I.F. loves his tea tree. We went to Hobby Lobby to find all the ingredients. The website says to go to Michael's, but Hobby Lobby has it all too for roughly the same price. Joann's should not have anything you're looking for here, sadly. I have not tried Walmart or any other large department store. 

Lately, I.F. has been addicted to watching Babar on Netflix, so the minute he saw the jungle animal soap molds he had to have it. You should have seen him in Hobby Lobby. Truly, it was ridiculous. Thus, I now present to you, 4 bars of soap that look like milky white versions of jungle animals. Enjoy!

I.F.'s beloved Babar

A hippopotamus!


The King of the Jungle

The mold has a 5th animal, a Giraffe, but a single batch of the soap recipe did not fill him completely so I abstained from presenting him to you. If you're not so much into the jungle creatures, then you will be glad to know that Hobby Lobby has various other, more elegant molds. I chose a square mold with a picture frame edge for a little more class when I feel like it. Although, if I.F. loves his elephant soap, I doubt he will want it in any other form. 27-year-old male turned 3-years-old in a matter of seconds. At least shower time will no longer be a chore!

The next installment should be shampoo and conditioner as we're about to run out of those. I sadly, still have another bottle of icky Dawn dish soap that I need to use. I'd just hate to throw it in a landfill. At least this way, since I live in a city, the water will get treated at a facility that will eradicate those impurities. Right? This is what I have to tell myself in a state that still doesn't believe in recycling. There is literally no where to take your old chemicals, or your plastics/cardboard recycling. 

If you live in Ames and you know how to dispose of items in an eco-friendly way, please write it in the comments!

That's all for now, folks. See you in roughly 30 minutes when my knitting post is completed. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Big weekend of updates

Greetings Readers,
   I do apologize. It has been a crazy couple of weeks for me. This weekend I'll be building this blog quite a bit. I am shooting for about 15 new posts on the things I've been up to. What has deterred me from writing is the 8 job applications I've filled out in the last two weeks. I am telling you, job applications are more of a full-time job than an actual full-time job!

This weekend's posts will consist of various knitting projects, hopefully links to my Pinterest or Instagram board for pictures will also be available. I'll also have more restaurant reviews for you locals out there, a review of the gym I've recently signed up with - Ames Racquette and Fitness, and finally my exciting new hobby: homemade personal products and homemade cleaning supplies. Everyone and their grandmother has posted various recipes for cleaning supplies but rarely are they easy to find reviews for which ones work. So, this is what I'll be doing. Every time I run out of a supply, I'll try a new recipe until I find the perfect one for me. I'll post each recipe with pictures of the process and my own personal evaluation of them - I'll remain as objective as possible, trying to measure the same aspects of each cleaning agent. I'll post links to all the recipes as well.

Oh! I almost forgot! I have been tracking my progress in the last 7-8 weeks or so in my very determined effort to lose weight and get back in shape. The PhD program I was a part of stressed me out completely and I really packed on the pounds. I'm heavier than I've ever been. So, there will be a very revealing post about my journey through weight gain, and an update on my weight loss which I have to say is pathetically minor but at least its headed in the right direction. Please comment with tips and suggestions! I'm genetically prone to weight gain, and with the whole family being Irish and English we just don't know how to make winter foods that aren't full of fat and carbs. Those of you from northern regions of the globe will understand my issue, I hope! If not...well its my excuse and I'm sticking with it. Blind denial to the end!

Well, that's all for this update, folks. Cheerio and all that!